Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, Please Join Us in 2010 to Resolute A New You

Hi to Everyone on this New Year's Eve 2009,

To the left is a picture of my niece Ivy and mom, Evelyn. This was taken a few days ago while vacationing back home in Pennsylvania. I know I am biased, but Ivy is the cutest and most rambunctious 2 1/2 year old I have ever met. I wish I had her energy, imagination, and naivety when it comes to everyday task.

I want to invite anyone who wants to also increase their energy and vitality for 2010 to come and visit our beautiful personal training studio at Liberty Station in Point Loma. Please refer to our previous blog with a fantastic Resolution offer for January. Where else can you get in the best shape of your life, while having your fitness program supervised by a licensed Physical Therapist. With every training package sold I will also give a complete one hour physical therapy evaluation on any problem regions that are stopping you from living life to the fullest.

Quote of the Day for all of 2009

Your mind is the one and only thing over which you have

the complete , unchallenged privilege of control.

Napoleaon Hill

Take control of your mind and body in 2010. We would love to help you achieve more than you believe is possible. Please ask Alli, Rusty, Hamme, Christine, or Vivian what they think of our business. Please feel free to call Greg at 619.756.7500 anytime with any physical therapy questions as we want to be your resource for all fitness needs.

Conceive a plan for the new you

Believe you can make the changes

Achieve by making small lifestyle changes that will multiply to lifelong commitments

We will hold you accountable to these changes as we together Achieve Success in 2010.

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners

Fitness Together- Point Loma

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Awesome New Year's Resolution Personal Training Offer

*Introductory Special Only. Offer expires January 18, 2010. PLUS: Add an Additional Free Week of Personal Training Sessions when you purchase Any Personal Training Package by the same date listed above. Call 619.756.7500 to schedule your 1st Amazing Session.
Yours in Great Health,
Greg Sterner, Owner, Physical Therapist and Kara Sterner, Owner, Business Manager
Fitness Together- Point Loma

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Great Running

Hi To Everyone,

Cannot wait to go home for the holidays to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with my wife Kara where we will get a chance to visit with our nieces Olive and Ivy (pictured here with me).

The other photo to the left is not my other niece, but is an orangutan from the Washington Zoo we visited last Christmas.

Found this great article in Health Magazine written by Jenny Hadfield. Jenny correlates running injury free and more efficiently with improving your running posture. Problem areas are as follows:

  1. Slumped shoulders: think "tall" as your diaphragm (your breathing muscle) will work more efficiently to enable your lungs to expand fully. Don't slouch.

  2. Motionless or upward/forward arm position: Don't be a Tyrannosaurus Rex with your arms raised toward your chest and motionless. A full arm swing, especially behind your body, as a sprinter runs, will enable a cross-crawl motion that leads to less lateral sway and more forward translation.

  3. Overstriding: This can lead to shin splints and decreased velocity. It is more appropriate to increase stride rate, thus taking smaller faster steps, than taking long slower strides. Also, if lateral knee pain (ITB syndrome) presents a problem, widening of your stride by say a 1/2 inch each leg will correct excessive hip adduction torque which stresses these lateral structures.

Now go have a great run and remember at Fitness Together- Point Loma, not only will you receive exceptional personal training, but you will have the resource of correcting your posture, improving your musculoskeletal injuries, and excelling at any chosen sport through Greg's physical therapy skills/background.

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners

Fitness Together- Point Loma

Monday, December 7, 2009

Not So Perfect Workout

Hi To All Fitness Enthusiast,
One of my current clients works out 1x/week at a facility called "The Perfect Workout" and another client recently brought to my attention a newspaper marketing article by the same personal training company.
As a licensed physical therapist and personal trainer with over nine years of experience, I would like to debate the myth that this style of super slow motion strength training is the optimal means of overall fitness training especially for the senior population.
As our bodies age it is even more relevant to include in any fitness/wellness program: balance activities, functional training exercises, and a flexibility program. None of which is included in the "Perfect Workout".
The marketing article presented to me touted the prevention of osteoporosis through this style of super slow motion strength training. I do not debate the increases in bone mineral density involved with super slow motion training, but I do believe that preventing falls while performing functional, closed chained exercises with both static and dynamic balance challenges would better serve our senior clients. What good is the increased bone mineral density if a client continues to fall and possibly fracture a hip, wrist or humerus.
There is also the question of functionality and power. Power= Force x Distance/Time. Power is needed for a person to get out of a low chair, off the toilet and up from the floor. Super slow training does not necessarily increase power secondarily to the same amount of time is used to push differing forces through the same distance. Yes strength is increased, but at the expense of power, which seniors especially need for transfers and even gait.
Lastly, I do not know about many of you, but how can one stay engaged and excited about an exercise that takes ten seconds to concentrically and eccentrically complete? To me it is mind numbing and super boring training. The article states that this method of training is quite challenging both mentally and physically. How? What is engaging the client, counting to 10? I have a 78 year old client who plays singles tennis and loves to move with grace and speed as the human body was meant to perform. This method of training two times a week for 20 minutes may be sought after by persons who really believe that this is all they need to do to obtain optimal health and fitness, but my 78 year old client would rather move gracefully through life than at a snails pace.
Yours in Great Health,
Greg Sterner, Owner, Physical Therapist
Fitness Together- Point Loma

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thoughts on Success

Hi to Everyone,

Again, it has been too long since my last correspondence. Very busy gearing up for a hopefully busy New Years. Please say a big HELLO to Dustin Janzin, our newest fitness consultant at Fitness Together- Point Loma. If you are lucky Dustin will treat you to a holiday carol or two during your work out.

The above photos were from Kara's and I trip to Whistler Mountain three years ago, just reminiscing.

Thougths on Success

by Dr. Napoleon Hill
Definiteness of Purpose - Successful people move on their own initiative, but they know where they are going before they start.

Mastermind Alliance - No man can become a permanent success without taking others along with him.

Applied Faith - You can do it if you believe you can. Going the Extra Mile - The most successful people are those who serve the greatest number of people.

Pleasing Personality - It is essential that you develop a Pleasing Personality - pleasing to yourself and others.

Personal Initiative - Today's employer usually is yesterday's employee who found opportunity waiting for him at the end of the second mile.

Positive Mental Attitude - Keep your mind on the things you want and off the things you don't want. Remember the old proverb: "Be very careful what you set your heart on, for you will surely achieve it."

Enthusiasm - To be enthusiastic - act enthusiastically!

Self-Discipline - Direct your thoughts, control your emotions, and ordain your destiny!

Accurate Thinking - Truth will be truth, regardless of a closed mind, ignorance or the refusal to believe.

Controlled Attention - Keep you mind on the things you want and off the things you don't want!

Teamwork - Harmonious cooperation is a priceless asset which you can acquire in proportion to your giving.

Adversity and Defeat - Remember: Every defeat, every disappointment and every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

Creative Vision - The imagination is the workshop of the soul wherein are shaped all plans for individual achievement.

Maintenance of Sound Health - If you think you're sick, you are.

Budgeting Time and Money - Tell me how you use your spare time and how you spend your money, and I will tell you where and what you will be ten years from now.

Cosmic Habitforce - You are where you are and what you are because of your established habits and thoughts and deeds.

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara, Owners

Fitness Together- Point Loma

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Exercise of the Week and Sara's Contest Photos

Hi To Everyone:

Here is our very own clients Krissie and Mike performing a couples exercise. This is a Greg special: Pizza Holders on 2 BOSU's with feet touching (Krissie and Mike are fiance's and I thought this would be cute together). See how couples training can be inventive and fun!!

The upper left photo is of our very own personal trainer Sara Rose (now you know Sara really understands what it takes to train your glutes).Congratulate Sara, as she won 2nd place for her division in her first Bikini Fitness Contest. The upper photo shows off Sara's best asset, her smile after the contest with her trophy.
Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners
Fitness Together- Point Loma

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sara's Fitness Figure Contest

I hope all of you wished Sara good luck for her competition tomorrow. She has worked very diligently with her strict dieting and workout routines. If you read this Sara, we are all very proud of you and whether you come in 1st, 2nd or otherwise; you are #1 in our hearts. Best of luck tomorrow.
Yours in Great Health,
Greg and Kara Sterner
Fitness Together- Point Loma

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Exercise of The Week October 12, 2009

Thank you to Holly Y. who is demonstrating a push up plank position hold with dumbbell rows. The key to this exercise is maintaining a contracted 'core' while not allowing the lower back to extend 'sag' or the body to rotate excessively.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sorry for my absence

I promise to write a new blog and issue a new exercise of the week for the week of Oct. 12th. As the business grows, it is so hard to stay caught up with everything. But, I guess this is a good problem.
Thank you to all of our Facebook Fans and to Nani, who is a loyal follower and awesome individual!!
Check us out on Twitter: FTPointLoma and our website

Yours in Great Health,
Greg (this is my wife Kara and I in Napa Valley on a winery tour, great day)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Exercise of The Week

Alli is doing a bent-over, one arm bicep curl with a kettlebell. This exercise uses balancing to engage the stance leg outer glute and core.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Exercise of the Week

Our owner Kara Sterner demonstrates a static lunge with a stability ball. The key to this exercise if to keep the front knee behind the front toes when raising and lowering body. Great exercise for combination of balance and strength.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Raising Metabolic Rate

Welcome to All New Readers,

I came across a very relevant article yesterday while cleaning out my wife's and mine second bedroom.

The article was from a February 2003 Daily News Health & Fitness article from Kara's and my time in Brooklyn, NY. The articles relevance has not changed in the six years since its publication. The metabolic rate-- a measure of how many calories your body needs to function-- is rarely responsible for losing/gaining weight. William Evans, director of the Nutrition, Metabolism and Exercise Lab at the University of Arkansas School of Medical Science states that "the single most important factor in metabolic rate is lean body mass. The more lean tissue your have, the higher your metabolic rate. Muscle mass boosts metabolism because muscle is active tissue that helps convert food into water, heat and energy. Fat is more passive, acting primarily as a stored form of body energy."
Starting around age 30, muscle mass in sedentary people declines by about 2% to 5% per decade. This is a major reason to begin or maintain a resistance exercise program throughout your lifetime. Wayne Westcott, noted author on fitness and strength training states that "every pound of muscle we lose lowers our metabolic rate by about 30 to 50 calories per day, and every pound of muscle we gain raises our metabolic rate by about 30 to 50 calories per day.

So why only diet, which actually slows down the metabolic rate, when you can add strength training to your workouts? One can actually reverse the seemingly inevitable aging process with two to three strength training workout per week.
So why wait another day to boost your metabolic rate and self esteem. Father time waits for no one and will likely be kinder to you in your 80's, 90's and maybe even centenarian years if you begin by increasing your own lean muscle mass. Stop procrastinating while achieving overall better health in your 50's and 60's than you had in your 40's. Don't wait another day to take control of your life and your habits. You can only control certain aspects of your life and your health should rank in the top 3. You cannot control the economy, another persons emotions, your occupational duties, or genetics. Take control over your body, what fuels it and how it runs. You do this with your car, doesn't your body deserve the same love and care?

Yours in Health,
Greg Sterner, Owner, Physical Therapist
Fitness Together- Point Loma

Friday, July 24, 2009

Exercise of the Week

Christine is doing a Bosu kneeling cable bicep curl. The key to doing the exercise correctly is keeping your elbows as high as your shoulders and making sure your elbows stay in line with your body position.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What is Fitness?

My wife Kara and I had a great time at San Diego Bridal Bazaar over the weekend. Only a handful of brides to be knew where they were getting married. A lot of military fiance's. Haley, if you read this, you were a big help!!

Enough small talk.

What is Fitness?
Fitness is measured in many ways. Body fat testing, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, pure muscular strength (Power Lifting), Bodybuilding, aesthetics, Tri-athletes are to name a few. Is Lance Armstrong more of a fitness poster boy because of his freakish VO2 Max or is the MMA fighter who is a master of both grappling and Ju Jitsu the most elite athlete. Is fitness defined by athletic prowess? What of the Bodybuilder with 4% body fat and muscle definition that even the Greek Gods would be jealous of.
Physical Fitness is defined in Wikipedia as: a general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. With this definition all of the above athletes would be considered physically fit. The Wikipedia biological definition of fitness is: an individuals ability to propagate it's genes. By this definition the 'Octo-Mom' and Kate of the former 'John and Kate +8' would win any fitness competition.
What is my definition of fitness?
Can you do all of the activities you wish to do, with high intensity, ease of movement, and grace while maintaining an injury free state? This also goes along with postural stresses. If you sit at a desk all day, does your neck or back ache? In my definition, if so then you are not at an adequate fitness level to support your spines resting postures. Remember, I am a physical therapist, so posture is a big component in my fitness analysis.
I have a few current clients who are over 65 years of age. Back in my teens and early 20's I would have considered these individuals unfit to say the least.
But now I sincerely appreciate how these wonderful people maintain their health and vitality. One of those clients has been working feverishly out in Anza Borrega, in the sweltering heat, laying irrigation piping. He has had to dig many a hole and who knows what else it takes to irrigate a desert climate. Three others are rabid golfers, whose enthusiasm for a sport I am terrible at, amazes me. These woman are definitely not unfit. Lastly, one woman I train has an unbelievable zest for life. She radiates optimism and relishes the opportunity, even if challenging to better herself. She is not happy with her own fitness level at this time, but each session she states to me "how much better and energized" she feels now that she is regularly exercising. What has improved more than anything is her self-esteem and confidence in her abilities. She truly inspires me.
When I really think about it, my Mom actually exemplifies all of the above attributes. She is now 69 years old, but has the vitality of most 16 year olds. She gardens, golfs, walks the dog daily (usually over 2-3 miles, rain, snow or shine), and still runs a home builder's magazine.
To Close:
Even if Lance Armstrong wins the Tour d' France, to me he is no match in Fitness to many of my current clients and good ole Mom!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Exercise Of The Week

Hope you enjoy our exercise of the week feature. Sara is demonstrating a chest flye with a functional trainer machine. This exercise isolates the chest and is a good alternative to dumbbell flyes.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And the Winner Is..............

This is my virgin blog, so please be kind with your criticism. The winner of our 10 FREE SESSION Summer Shape Up Contest is Jessica from Point Loma. Please let her know she looks great as she was without makeup on this photo shoot. Congratulations Jessica!

Achieving a Positive Mental Attitude. Not an easy task, especially for myself, a devout realist. I have read many times over that a realist is nothing more than a pessimist in denial. From experience I know this to be true. Believe the glass is half full because this will keep you young at heart and give you more infinite joy than contemplating life's challenges and little negative thoughts that enter your mind.

Books and authors to read. The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. The Power of Positive Thinking (a timeless classic). Anything by Napoleon Hill.

This wasn't easy. But nothing worthwhile ever is. Persevere, Take Action vs. Contemplation, Don't Quit on your Dreams! All may be cliches, but all are true. Take it from a student of Optimism.

My thanks to Brenda Swann of Swann Soirees. You're the Best!!!!!!

Yours Forever in Great Health,


Owner, Physical Therapist

Fitness Together- Point Loma