Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year, Please Join Us in 2010 to Resolute A New You

Hi to Everyone on this New Year's Eve 2009,

To the left is a picture of my niece Ivy and mom, Evelyn. This was taken a few days ago while vacationing back home in Pennsylvania. I know I am biased, but Ivy is the cutest and most rambunctious 2 1/2 year old I have ever met. I wish I had her energy, imagination, and naivety when it comes to everyday task.

I want to invite anyone who wants to also increase their energy and vitality for 2010 to come and visit our beautiful personal training studio at Liberty Station in Point Loma. Please refer to our previous blog with a fantastic Resolution offer for January. Where else can you get in the best shape of your life, while having your fitness program supervised by a licensed Physical Therapist. With every training package sold I will also give a complete one hour physical therapy evaluation on any problem regions that are stopping you from living life to the fullest.

Quote of the Day for all of 2009

Your mind is the one and only thing over which you have

the complete , unchallenged privilege of control.

Napoleaon Hill

Take control of your mind and body in 2010. We would love to help you achieve more than you believe is possible. Please ask Alli, Rusty, Hamme, Christine, or Vivian what they think of our business. Please feel free to call Greg at 619.756.7500 anytime with any physical therapy questions as we want to be your resource for all fitness needs.

Conceive a plan for the new you

Believe you can make the changes

Achieve by making small lifestyle changes that will multiply to lifelong commitments

We will hold you accountable to these changes as we together Achieve Success in 2010.

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners

Fitness Together- Point Loma

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