Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And the Winner Is..............

This is my virgin blog, so please be kind with your criticism. The winner of our 10 FREE SESSION Summer Shape Up Contest is Jessica from Point Loma. Please let her know she looks great as she was without makeup on this photo shoot. Congratulations Jessica!

Achieving a Positive Mental Attitude. Not an easy task, especially for myself, a devout realist. I have read many times over that a realist is nothing more than a pessimist in denial. From experience I know this to be true. Believe the glass is half full because this will keep you young at heart and give you more infinite joy than contemplating life's challenges and little negative thoughts that enter your mind.

Books and authors to read. The Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman. The Power of Positive Thinking (a timeless classic). Anything by Napoleon Hill.

This wasn't easy. But nothing worthwhile ever is. Persevere, Take Action vs. Contemplation, Don't Quit on your Dreams! All may be cliches, but all are true. Take it from a student of Optimism.

My thanks to Brenda Swann of Swann Soirees. You're the Best!!!!!!

Yours Forever in Great Health,


Owner, Physical Therapist

Fitness Together- Point Loma

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations!! You have a blog!! And Jessica looks great... I mean really, the girl is going to work out, not go out :) Can't wait to read more!!
