Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What is Fitness?

My wife Kara and I had a great time at San Diego Bridal Bazaar over the weekend. Only a handful of brides to be knew where they were getting married. A lot of military fiance's. Haley, if you read this, you were a big help!!

Enough small talk.

What is Fitness?
Fitness is measured in many ways. Body fat testing, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, pure muscular strength (Power Lifting), Bodybuilding, aesthetics, Tri-athletes are to name a few. Is Lance Armstrong more of a fitness poster boy because of his freakish VO2 Max or is the MMA fighter who is a master of both grappling and Ju Jitsu the most elite athlete. Is fitness defined by athletic prowess? What of the Bodybuilder with 4% body fat and muscle definition that even the Greek Gods would be jealous of.
Physical Fitness is defined in Wikipedia as: a general state of good health, usually as a result of exercise and nutrition. With this definition all of the above athletes would be considered physically fit. The Wikipedia biological definition of fitness is: an individuals ability to propagate it's genes. By this definition the 'Octo-Mom' and Kate of the former 'John and Kate +8' would win any fitness competition.
What is my definition of fitness?
Can you do all of the activities you wish to do, with high intensity, ease of movement, and grace while maintaining an injury free state? This also goes along with postural stresses. If you sit at a desk all day, does your neck or back ache? In my definition, if so then you are not at an adequate fitness level to support your spines resting postures. Remember, I am a physical therapist, so posture is a big component in my fitness analysis.
I have a few current clients who are over 65 years of age. Back in my teens and early 20's I would have considered these individuals unfit to say the least.
But now I sincerely appreciate how these wonderful people maintain their health and vitality. One of those clients has been working feverishly out in Anza Borrega, in the sweltering heat, laying irrigation piping. He has had to dig many a hole and who knows what else it takes to irrigate a desert climate. Three others are rabid golfers, whose enthusiasm for a sport I am terrible at, amazes me. These woman are definitely not unfit. Lastly, one woman I train has an unbelievable zest for life. She radiates optimism and relishes the opportunity, even if challenging to better herself. She is not happy with her own fitness level at this time, but each session she states to me "how much better and energized" she feels now that she is regularly exercising. What has improved more than anything is her self-esteem and confidence in her abilities. She truly inspires me.
When I really think about it, my Mom actually exemplifies all of the above attributes. She is now 69 years old, but has the vitality of most 16 year olds. She gardens, golfs, walks the dog daily (usually over 2-3 miles, rain, snow or shine), and still runs a home builder's magazine.
To Close:
Even if Lance Armstrong wins the Tour d' France, to me he is no match in Fitness to many of my current clients and good ole Mom!

1 comment:

  1. Fitness really is an arbitrary term. "Fit... for what?" This is where the individual must answer for his or her own perspective. Fit to sit behind a desk all day? Most of us are- fit to run a marathon? Not many. Is fitness defined by a linear scale of who can achieve what physically? Or is it best term qualitatively, by being able to achieve the physical things we want in life? Having studied the phenomena for over 25 years- I find we must learn to live in the grey on a broad scale - and apply individual prescriptive practices to achieve multiple goals.
