Sunday, May 2, 2010

Exercises of the Week from Fitness Together-Point Loma

Hi To Everyone,

It has been a little while since last blog, sorry for the absence. We thought you would enjoy this montague of exercises performed by our trainers: Sara, Dustin and Kate (our newest trainer). We would also like to welcome Kate to our team, while we know she will make outstanding contributions to our client's success stories.

Are you ready for Summer (is your body)??

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners
Fitness Together-Point Loma
Greg is a Board Certified Physical Therapist in Orthopedics

Monday, April 5, 2010

Spring Fling at Liberty Station and Seals at La Jolla Cove

Hi To Everyone:

Kara took this photo of the seals. Easter Bunny at Liberty Station Spring Fling. Sorry video is not high quality yet.

Yours in Great Health,


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Get Ready for Nutrition Together

Hi To Everyone,

Thank you to ASerenity Skincare and Spa for joining us for our inaugral Open House. A big thanks to Anthony for taking all of the photos.

It was great to see many of our clients who came out to show their support and sample massage, acupuncture and mini-facials from our co-hosts. Please tell Sara and Dustin that you enjoyed the couples training demonstration.

Next are a few more photos from our event.
Thank you to Nani, Jill, Carolyn/Karen, Mary, Kathy, Alan, Gabe/Robin, Louise, Maryann and all of our current clients who came to celebrate our success, share in good cheer while sampling spa services.
We are very excited to roll out Nutrition Together, in March which will be the most comprehensive Nutritional Coaching System developed and supervisd by a registered dietician, that any fitness facility will posess.
We hope to see you and all of your friends this Spring to join in our fitness revolution.
Yours in Great Health,
Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners
Fitness Together-Point Loma

Monday, January 18, 2010

Rainbows and Resolutions

Hi To Everyone,

It is hard to make out, but there was a full rainbow across the sky looking out towards Mission Bay from Pacific Beach immediately after the Chargers playoff game. Kara took this photo as the rainbow was fading.

Please don't allow your fitness resolutions to fade as New Year's Day was almost three weeks ago. Stick to your guns and fight to maintain your self-control with appropriate amounts of cardio, food intake and resistance training.

To our current clients, we say "Great Job" in taking the first step after New Years by letting us take your body fat and body composition measurements. We want you to get excited and reved up to win our contest or at least meet your own lofty goals.

The following is an excerpt from Fitness Magazine summarizing 'The Biggest Loser Success Plan'. There are four main steps as follows:
  1. Bare it. Weigh in once a week at home either completely naked or undergarment only.
  2. Weigh your food with a food scale if portion control is a problem.
  3. Clear cupboards/fridges of temptation foods that you cannot take control of.
  4. Try a personal trainer, to motivate you and jumpstart your fitness program.

Quote of the Week

Drifting without aim or purchase, is the first cause of failure.

Make a plan. Set short term goals and take action today. Only thinking about starting an exercise program or eating healthier is just that, thinking. Small actions will lead to ultimately big results as these changes begin to multiply and take on a synergistic effect.

Please visit our website at for our December/January Specials that will make reaching your goals a reality vs. a thought.

Yours in Great Health,

Greg and Kara Sterner, Owners

Fitness Together- Point Loma